Attendee List

Meeting Location

The fall 2014 meeting will be held at the St. Anthony Hotel in San Antonio, TX on December 12, 2014.

300 East Travis St.
San Antonio, TX 78205


Start End Topic Speaker  
8:30 9:00 Continental Breakfast    
9:00 9:15 Business Session Michael McPhail, FCAS, MAAA SWAF President
9:15 10:30 Reserving for Loyalty Rewards Programs Rachel Dolsky, FCAS, MAAA
Tim Gault, FCAS, MAAA
Ernst & Young
Deloittle Consulting
10:30 10:45 Break    
10:45 12:00 Professionalism Jeopardy Scott Whitson, FCAS, MAAA Oliver Wyman
12:00 1:10 Lunch    
1:10 1:30 Actuarial Foundation Update Kathy Olcese, FCAS, MAAA Zurich North America
1:30 2:15 Actuarial Data in 3D Alfred Commodore, ACAS, MAAA ACCC Insurance
2:15 2:30 Break    
2:30 3:30 The Impact of Climate Change on Actuarial Methods Stephen Kolk, ACAS Kolkulations, LLC

Post-Conference Reception

Following the conference, there will be a cocktail reception held at the hotel sponsored by DW Simpson. Everyone is welcome to attend to network and meet with other actuaries working within the SWAF geographical area. 

Lodging Information

There is no pre-arranged hotel block. Attendees may select from a wide variety of nearby hotels of all classes.


The hotel has an uncovered self-parking lot on the northeast corner of Jefferson St. and Travis St.

There is also a city garage one block away at 400 N St. Mary's St which offers covered parking.


Please register via this website. You can pay with credit card or electronic check using PayPal. If you wish to pay with a paper check, please use this website and select that option.

For those paying by paper check, please make them payable to Southwest Actuarial Forum.

Mail checks to:

Peter Quackenbush
Towers Watson
One Forum
8000 Interstate 10 West Suite 1050
San Antonio, TX 78230