Meeting Location

The Spring 2018 Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency North Houston in Houston, TX on June 1, 2018.

425 North Sam Houston Pkwy E
Houston, TX 77060


Start End Topic Speaker Organization
8:30 9:00 Breakfast    
9:00 9:15 Business Session Tim Garcia, FCAS, CSPA Tokio Marine HCC
9:15 10:30 Diversity Session

Mallika Bender, FCAS

Brandon Wright, FSA

Tim Garcia, FCAS, CSPA

Courtney Rohde, ACAS

Willis Towers Watson

Ernst & Young

Tokio Marine HCC


10:30 10:45 Break    
10:45 11:45 Japan: P&C Insurance Market and Actuaries Kyo Kimura Tokio Marine HCC
11:45 12:55 Lunch    
12:55 1:00 Open Discussion Rob Zolla, FCAS USAA
1:00 2:00 Dun & Bradstreet: Analytics Solutions Dan Barry Dun & Bradstreet
2:00 2:15 Break    
2:15 3:15 Professionalism Session

Hervey Abotsi, ACAS

Rob Zolla, FCAS




Free parking will be available on the hotel grounds.

Post-Conference Reception

Following the conference, there will be a happy hour hosted at the hotel sponsored by Dunn & Bradstreet. Everyone is welcome to attend to network and meet with other actuaries working within the SWAF geographical area. 


There is a hotel room block for meeting attendees. Please follow this link if you'd like to book a room:


There will be a light breakfast along with lunch. Please list any dietary considerations on the attendee's registration form. 

Registration Information

Attendees may register and pay via this website. Payments with credit card or bank transfer can be made using PayPal. 

There is a $5 discount for paying with a paper check. Please make paper checks payable to Southwest Actuarial Forum.

Mail checks to:

Hervey Abotsi
10715 Janet Lee Dr
San Antonio, TX  78230