Meeting Location

The Spring 2023 meeting will be held virtually, using Zoom, on June 16, 2023. 



Attendees may register and pay via the CAS website using the following link: SWAF 2023 Spring Meeting Registration



Start End Topic Speaker Organization
9:00 9:15 Business Session Ray Rabel, FCAS Lemonade
9:15 10:15
General Inflation and Property Casualty Insurance

Eliezer Blum, ACAS, MAAA, CPCU

10:15 10:30 Break    
10:30 11:30


Arlie Proctor, FCAS, MAAA
Munich Re
11:30 1:00 Lunch    
1:00 2:15 Asset-Side Risk Revisited
Robert Anderson, ACAS
Palms Insurance
2:15 2:30 Break    
2:30 3:30
Understanding and Implementing the Impacts of Climate Change in Underwriting, Pricing, Risk Management, and Mitigation
Daniel Ward, PhD and
Mike Tine, CPCU, ARe
Karen Clark & Company